Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Dr. Michael Hulse Hickory Flat Ga Transvaginal Mesh Litigation

well....he is at it again ..only this time Michael Hulse aka Falany and Hulse Womens' Clinic Atlanta is taking the other side of the situation and is offering to REMOVE the mesh that he has implanted  Yeah , sure ...
last week I received 2 phone calls from women outside of Atlanta Ga. that told me Michael Hulse, OB gyn of falany and hulse womens' clinic atlanta  has now been approved by some so called attorney approved referral company to remove the transvaginal mesh that he and others have implanted into uneducated and/or trusting ladies, for only $50,000.
What a deal ...he got paid to put the mesh in and now he is getting paid MORE to take it out...
Unfortunately , there is no remedy to the problem since the mesh is embedded into living flesh and organs of the affected women .
so , it appears they either endure the pain, or run the risk of removing a large part of their body and HOPE that it works...
 youtube videos

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Michael Hulse ob gyn reviews update

Reviews for Dr. Michael Hulse Falany and Hulse canton gaWrite a review
Kristen ‎ - 4 months ago
I went to Falany and Hulse for regular OB appts for several years and then began prenatal care with them during my pregnancy. After growing tired of their rude and inconsiderate staff, I decided to try another doctor. At my first appt with the other doctor, they reviewed my records and found a major pregnancy complication that Falany and Hulse had completely overlooked. They said if they hadn't discovered that, my baby would almost certainly have not survived to term. Falany and Hulse could have cost me my child's life, but they were too busy rushing me through my appointments to care. If you value your baby's well-being and want decent care, go to another OB.

Ellen ‎ - 4 months ago
A friend at work recommended F&H when I moved to Woodstock and needed a new OB, but my experience with them has been horrible. When I became pregnant with my first child I just wanted an OB that I could feel comfortable with and trust throughout the process, and they were the exact opposite. They rushed me through appointments, didn't take time to speak with me about my concerns, and showed an amazing lack of competence and compassion when I would call with problems or questions. They also lied to me about the costs associated with my pregnancy and how much I would have to pay out of pocket for certain tests and procedures, and I wound up paying more than 2 grand in bills that I wouldnt have ever received if I had gone to a different OB. Please don't give them the opportunity to take advantage of you. There are many other OB offices in the area with kind, compassionate staff and friendly doctors that will actually give you the support and info you need during your pregnancy.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

transvaginal own experience with Dr. Michael Hulse Hickory Flat Ga

for my own personal experience with Dr. Michael Hulse of Hickory Flat Ga. please visit my other blog by clicking here      or go to this site
Transvaginal surgical mesh implants or slings, which have been implanted in millions of women in urogynecologic procedures to repair pelvic organ proplase (POP) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI), have been linked to a high rate of serious mesh complications. Women throughout the country have suffered from transvaginal mesh implantation and are seeking compensation for serious injuries, including erosion and extrusion of mesh, perforation of organs, vaginal bleeding, chronic infection, pain and emotional distress.
Surgical pelvic mesh products are implanted to provide support for a woman’s organs in the pelvis, which drop, fall, bulge or protrude (prolapse) into the vaginal wall due to weakened or stretched muscles that occur from childbirth, pregnancy and other causes. In extreme cases, the vagina can even fall to the point where the vagina is outside of the body. Mesh can be placed to repair prolapse of the following pelvic organs: bladder (cystocele), top of the vagina (apical prolapse), uterus (procidentia), rectum (rectocele), bowel (enterocele) and urethra.
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is an involuntary loss of urine that occurs during physical activity, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercise. Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) may occur as a result of weakened pelvic muscles that support the bladder and urethra. The condition is most common in women who have had multiple pregnancies and vaginal childbirths, and who suffer from pelvic organ prolapse (POP). The implanted mesh or sling is intended to work as a hammock which will support the prolapsed organs and to address the symptoms associated with POP and SUI.
Transvaginal and Pelvic Mesh Complications and Failures
Adverse events from pelvic mesh implanted transvaginally may include:
■Erosion of the mesh through the vaginal tissue
■Exposure or extrusion of mesh, which can require multiple surgeries
■Feeling a lump in the vaginal opening or something protruding from vagina
■Painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia).
■Perforation or puncture of the bladder, intestines and bowels, as well as blood vessels around the vaginal wall
■Recurrent Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)
■Urinary problems
■Vaginal bleeding
■Vaginal chronic drainage, discharge and infections
■Vaginal pain
■Vaginal scarring and shortening
In many cases, women require surgical excision to remove the mesh or sling and may even require two or three additional surgeries. Despite removal of the mesh, complications may not be reversed, and women continue to suffer with vaginal pain and an impaired quality of life.